Register a trademark

Find a trademark quickly and easily

Verification of protectability

Our lawyers check whether the trademark you want is protectable and therefore registrable.

Identity research AND similarity research

We check whether an identical or similar trademark is already registered - this trademark search is included in the price!

Directory of goods and services

Our lawyers create an individual list of goods and services tailored to your company and project.

Registration of the trademark at the trademark office

After coordinating the trademark registration, we will register the trademark for you with the responsible trademark office.

After coordinating the trademark registration, we will register the trademark for you with the responsible trademark office.

You will receive your trademark application within 24 hours.

You can change or cancel your order at any time.

German Trademark

€ 399.00

gross, including VAT. Additional DPMA fee of € 290.00 for three classes

EU (Union) Trademark

€ 449.00

gross, including VAT. An additional € 850.00 EUIPO fee for one class

Deutsche Marke


Protectability verification

Identity Research

Similarity research

Classes identification for Goods and Services

Legal checking and application

Communication with patent office

Fixed Price

Registration with EU patent office (EUIPO)

Registration with German patent office (DPMA)